The Gift of Interpretation of Tongues


I must say: humility is needed to carry this gift of the interpretation of tongues!

I learned this first hand while I was on a plane and traveling to one of my very first ministry nights as an evangelist.While traveling to Brazil, I heard the name “Rosa” very clearly in my spirit.

When I got to my final destination to do ministry, I told the pastor, “The Lord told me I was going to meet woman named, ‘Rosa’ who needed a word form the Lord. Is there anybody here named, ‘Rosa’?”

As I said this, a woman about three rows back raised her hand. Rosa came forward to receive from the Lord! I, as the minister realized I was in an interesting situation: I knew nothing past the name “Rosa”! I had no plan, no word, nothing from the Lord to share — but I knew I needed to be in obedient in faith.

I walked down the steps to greet her witg the microphone in my hand. I went to put my hand on her head and began speaking in tongues. While praying in the spirit…I realized I was releasing a prophetic word in tongues. I declared the tongue, had immediate interpretation, and released a word to her.

”Your husband left you, you’re a single mom, you have two kids,” were some of the words that left my mouth. It was only by the Holy Spirit that I knew this information. The woman started bawling and hit the floor as the presence of God hit her.

I began shaking under the power of the Holy Spirit, not having the full clarity of what even happened. But because these two gifts are so intertwined — the gift of tongues and the interpretation of tongues — I began moving in the power of God to bring freedom and comfort to Rosa.



So, How Do I Operate in the Gift of Interpretation of Tongues?

For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they may interpret what they say.
— The Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthinas 13:14 (NIV)

Sometimes in Christian circles, those who have the gift of tongues are never encouraged to pray for the gift of interpretation. This is opposite to what Scriptures teaches us! In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul actually encourages us to pray that we may interpret what we are saying!

This is where faith comes in: we just need to ASK God! If you’re feeling stirred to give a tongue message out to an entire congregation, begin to pray internally that God would help you interpret what you are saying!

Remember: a message in tongues is different than simply praying in your own prayer language. As you learn to trust God with the gift of giving a message in a tongue and the gift of interpretation, press into prayer to see how God would like to meet, help, and encourage His people through you!



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