The Gift of Faith


Do you have great faith? Do you want to grow in faith? This is the blog for you!

As a traveling evangelist, I have seen God move wildly through the gift of faith. I have seen over two million people saved since starting my ministry and let me tell you — it has required the gift of faith!

I define the gift of faith as when you believe for something supernatural that you otherwise would not be able to be do in your own ability.

There are so many different stores in scripture about faith and we’re going to dive into them! It’s not so much that we need more faith, it’s that we need to choose faith. As we see in Matthew 17:20…

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.
— Jesus in Matthew 17:20 NIV


An Overview of the Gift of Faith

When we think of the gift of faith, it can be easy to get overwhelmed or start comparing our faith to someone else’s level of faith. Again, it’s not so much about the amount of faith given that we only need the faith of a mustard seed! If you’ve never held a mustard seed, know that it is super small! Mustard seeds are about 1-2 millimeters in diameter, making it one of the smallest seeds on the planet.

When we operate in the gift of faith, it isn’t blind faith. It’s when we stand on the Word of God. Remember, faith comes by hearing the Word! As we see in Scripture:

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. - Romans 10:17 NLT

Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. - Hebrews 11:1 NLT

In Psalm 139, we also read that all the days ordained for us are written in His book:

Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be - Psalm 139:16 NIV

As we read about the heart of God through the Scriptures, we can see that God is not the one who comes to steal kill, and destroy — that is the enemy! So, if God is writing all the days ordained for us in His book, we can confidently believe that those days are full of goodness, blessing, and kindness towards us. We see this clearly in Jeremiah 29:11 — a Bible verse that is helpful in declaring for faith:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. - Jeremiah 29:11


Why We Need Faith as Christians


As Christians, it is our birthright to walk in faith. When we receive something that is contrary to what God has written in His Word or written about our lives, we can walk in faith that God is the one who blesses us and NOT the God who steals, kills, or destroys.

The one who steals, kills, and destroys is the enemy of our souls — the devil! See John 10:10

Faith is standing on God’s word and not being deterred! When we stand on the word of God, it’s just like Peter when he was walking on water. When we focus on doubt, it bears the fruit of doubt. When we focus on God and His faith, we focus on the things of God.

As a traveling evangelist, there have been countless times I have needed to operate in the gift of faith and choose to believe in the goodness of God. Whether I’ve needed financial breakthrough, faith for a miracle, or faith for the impossible — all of these situations have required the gift of faith. Thankfully, God gives to all who ask!

You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it!
— Jesus in John 14: 13- 14 NLT


Supernatural Stories about The Gift of Faith


In 2019, I was traveling to South Asia. At this time, India and Pakistan were about to go to war due to one of the countries violating the other’s airspace. Pakistan alerted everyone hat they were shutting the air space down… completely. This was days before I was supposed to travel to South Asia. The day of my travels, I found out the airspace was still closed and my flight was canceled. I still chose to operate in faith.

The first leg of the flight was supposed to be to Dubai. When I got to the airport, I found out that they wouldn’t even let me fly to Dubai. The plane I was meant to be on had its doors locked and no one was able to get on the plane!

Ten minutes before my original departure time, I called my travel agent. I asked him to grab me a one-way ticket to Dubai — in faith — praying that God would get me to my destination in South Asia. It worked!

When I landed in Dubai, I saw lots of people making makeshift beds in one of the nicest airports in the world. So many people were stranded due to the closed air space.

I then stood in a five hour line to change my flight to South Asia. The entire time, I was praying in the spirit, declaring the word of the Lord that I WOULD get to South Asia for the Gospel Crusade!

Learn more about praying in the spirit in my blog: The Gift of Tongues

Five hours later, when I was second in line, the guy in front of me even tried choking the flight attendant because he was so frustrated by not being able to go to his home in South Asia.

…and then it was my turn to request a flight.

I was declined a flight into South Asia by the flight attendant. In faith, I asked him to check one more time and low and behold…there was space on a flight into closed air space! The flight attendant started typing, printed me a ticket, and then I asked, “How much is the ticket?”

He said, “No fee. Just take the ticket.” A free ticket, in closed air space, in a closed country, and little did we know, 70,000 people would come to Christ in that nation where we had our Crusade!

As the world would find soon find out, covid came on the scene and shut down the world. We’d come to find out that the region we had gone to had some of the worst mortality rates due to coronavirus. Many people we ministered to died and though this news was incredibly tragic, we were able to see the fruit of our faith, because so many people were saved. 70,000 people found their way to Heaven because of Jesus and because of our faith.


Scripture to Grow in the Gift of Faith

If you’re wanting to grow in the gift of faith, the book of James is the place for you! Click this link to read the Book of James in the New Living Translation.

So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

Now someone may argue, “Some people have faith; others have good deeds.” But I say, “How can you show me your faith if you don’t have good deeds? I will show you my faith by my good deeds.”
— James 2:17-18 NLT

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I hope you enjoyed learning more about the gift of the faith. You can continue to learn more about God, the Bible, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit by subscribing to my YouTube Channel or my Instagram Page.

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Caleb Wampler