Together, We've Reached 1 Million Lives for Jesus in 2024!
“1,013,584 Decisions for Jesus this year! ”
We are overjoyed to share an incredible milestone with you: in just one year, 1 million people have come to know Jesus through the work God has entrusted to us. This is a celebration not only of transformed lives but also of the faithfulness of partners like you!
Your prayers, generosity, and commitment to the Great Commission have made this possible. Every story of salvation, every moment of hope, and every changed life is a testament to your investment in God’s Kingdom. Thank you for standing with us and helping bring the Gospel to the nations.
Recently in South Asia, during our 3-night crusade, we are delighted to tell you that 70,032 people have called on the name of Jesus for salvation, and been entered into our follow up discipleship with local pastors and local churches! Hallelujah!
The Numbers from South Asia
Nearly 100,000 people heard the Gospel during our latest South Asia Outreach.
8,956 people reported healings ranging from blindness, deafness, paralysis, cancer, and more being completely healed in the mighty name of Jesus.
40 villages received the Gospel by telecasts in their villages through our video screens being set up in locations inaccessible to public transportation.
57 new church plants are being launched in these 40 villages, and other participating villages that are in the main transportation areas.
Nearly 200 Pastors participated in making this crusade possible.
Through partnership, 120 water wells are being provided by a generous donor who wanted to use the crusade as a means to bring water to those who were affected by the crusades. These water wells are all being built by existing and new church plants.
Every family received a Bible and Hunger Book in their language.
With the results of this crusade... a GRAND TOTAL OF 1,013,584 people have made decisions to follow Jesus during 2024. This fulfills a prophetic word spoken to us in December 2023, that "what took 7 years, we will see in 1 year!" Let that sink in!
Over one million people to Jesus from February - November of 2024! Hallelujah!!!!!!
Testimonies from the Field
One amazing testimony came from a mob who beat our volunteer team, and threatened the killing of their families before our crusade in South Asia. They came to the crusade to follow through on their death threats. But God!
The mob stopped to listen to me preach the Gospel.
As they listened, the Holy Spirit worked on their hearts and they responded to the altar call! They went to the people they beat and apologized to them and hugged them. The volunteers hugged them and they forgave each other. The power of the Gospel at work instantly!
But we know this is just the beginning. There are billions still longing for the hope and peace only Jesus can provide. As we reflect on this amazing year, we are also looking forward. With your continued partnership, we can expand our reach, deepen our impact, and see even greater fruit for His glory.
Give to the Mission
We invite you to invest in the future by sowing into this mission once again. Your support today will equip us to go further, reach faster, and share the Good News with even more people in the coming year.
In the midst of this step of faith, prophetic fulfillment, and eternity changing crusade, KEI is facing a ministry budget deficit.
Our eyes are already looking to 2025, however we need 2024’s needs to be met immediately to continue running this race with even greater expectation.