Jesus Heals the Sick in South Asia


The Bible says, "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free!" Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and He set so many captives free in South Asia!

94,351 people made decisions to follow Jesus in this historic crusade. Many new house churches have been established and those who gave their life to Jesus are being discipled throughout the region. We have also heard reports of 7,000 people declaring healing on the testimony cards we got back from the villages. Keep reading to find out more of the miraculous testimonies!

Our ground team just sent us this amazing footage showing incredible testimonies and showcasing the power of God! He is so good!

No matter what you’ve heard about the 10:40 window, God is on the MOVE!



  • A young girl walked on to the field with a tumor on her back and after prayer and the laying on of hands, the tumor disappeared! It vanished in Jesus name!

  • A man who had chronic back pain who couldn’t touch his toes experienced the healing power of Jesus at the crusade! Hallelujah! Jesus is the healer yesterday, today, and forever!

  • On this trip, we were able to pray, minister, and encourage church leaders in the region. Please be praying for the people of South Asia to come to know Jesus and be saved, healed, and freed by His wonderful name!



Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
— Hebrews 13:8

Jesus is still setting the captives free!
Jesus is still breaking chains off of people!
Jesus is still saving people by the power of His name!

Partner with us so we can seize opportunities for the Kingdom, finalize our preparations for upcoming crusades, and make moves to acquire our very first ministry hub. Click the button below to give and sow into our ministry today!

Caleb Wampler