The Glory Train


Today, during my prayer time, I received a powerful vision from the Lord. In this vision, I saw a locomotive gaining speed, racing down the tracks toward a dam wall. It appeared to be headed for an inevitable collision, and I wondered why the tracks were laid directly into a wall—surely, it would mark the end of the line. Yet, the train accelerated even more!

As it approached the wall, an explosion occurred, and the train broke through the barrier, revealing tracks on the other side. The wall of the dam crumbled, unleashing a torrent of rushing water. The imagery was profound and stirring!


Then, I heard the phrase:
“The glory train is here.”


Reflection on Past Experiences

Over the years, I have experienced moments of incredible glory during worship services. There were times when the presence of God was so thick that I could hardly stand—moments filled with holiness that left me weeping, praising, or simply resting in the Spirit.

While these experiences have transformed my life, they have been too infrequent. 

Many spiritual leaders have shared visions of a coming revival, waves of miracles, and a deep hunger for a move of God. Although we’ve seen glimpses of this, I feel we have yet to fully enter in to the revival we have prayed and hoped for.


The Arrival of the Glory Train

However, I believe the glory train is here! We are entering a time when miracles will be expected as the norm rather than surprising exceptions. 

  • Marketplace Transformations: Business meetings will turn into revival gatherings, and lunch break Bible studies will ignite passion for Christ.

  • Spontaneous Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual awakenings will occur in bars, grills, and coffee shops, as the presence of God is manifested in everyday life.

  • Healing in Public Spaces: Healing lines will form in parks, and churches will become launching pads for nation shakers, rather than just venues for crowd-gathering.

A Call to Action


My heart is eager to witness what I have long dreamed of become a daily reality. Bride of Christ, it is time to embrace the oil of intimacy in our secret places while simultaneously manifesting His presence in the public marketplaces of our world.

As we move forward, we will encounter great challenges and the moments will become increasingly profound. All these elements will rise together until the culmination of the return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Let us walk as the Bride for whom Jesus died. The time is now!




Caleb Wampler