One Revelation That Will Change Your Life Forever

One of my favorite parts of taking a group of Americans overseas is seeing the light come on within them when they fully come to the realization that the hope of glory Himself, dwells richly within them. As I travel throughout the world, watching the gospel forcefully advancing throughout the darkest places and unreached regions, I am filled with awe and reverence for the God I serve! What is equally as beautiful to me is watching my brothers and sisters in Christ realize all that is inside of them. I had the pleasure of taking 15 Americans on a three-country mission’s trip to Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, through my ministry, Kingdom Encounters International. Watching them step out of their comfort zones and minister to the hearts of so many men and women immensely blessed me.  In American culture we often get embarrassed or nervous to share our faith with the concern that it will upset or offend someone. Jesus didn’t come to please everyone and make them feel comfortable, He came in boldness, power, and love, and wasn’t ashamed to preach the truth because He knew it would set the captives free.

I’ve realized the utter importance this revelation is not only for Christians, but the world. Friends, God isn’t looking for someone who is perfect, the most skilled, and charismatic with all kinds of special talents. He’s looking for the one who goes low and grasps the fact that all He asks is for us to love Him with our whole heart. When we daily pick up our own cross, choosing to love over judge, hope over despair, trusting God when it’s hard, then we are allowing the power of what Jesus did on the cross to shine in and through us.

Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and also the Gentile.” We know through the Word that hard times will come, we will be persecuted, but we are not of this world! We are pilgrims on this earth and God has prepared a country for us, a Heavenly homeland, let us go after Him with all we have and love those around us. Tune in to this episode of the Awaken The Wonder podcast to hear more about how you can walk in this practically in your everyday life.

Caleb Wampler