​We have just arrived back into the USA just moments ago with very exciting news. Kingdom Encounters International has officially conducted the largest gospel campaign in our 4 ½ year history! The impact is eternal!

254,034 precious people have signified a decision to follow Jesus as a result of this campaign! 

Our ground team is busy at work implementing follow up measures in villages across the region to implement discipleship. Praise the Lord! He is so good!

My heart is stirred as I write this. There is so much happening in the world today. Fear is rampant, opinions are raging, and hatred and anger seems to be stirring in so many hearts. Yet, to think that in the wisdom of God, He sent Jesus to conquer all evil that the enemy could muster up once and for all centuries ago. It all comes under the blood of Jesus, and the Gospel is the power of God unto salvation! God always had the ultimate trump card in Jesus!

We saw many people completely set free, as hundreds of demoniacs were delivered one by one. There were testimonies of healing as well ranging from eye issues, to people leaving walking sticks and wheelchairs at the field that were no longer needed. We are still awaiting the full report of the testimonies, but as I write this 679 people have already testified of healing from tumors/lumps/cysts! Hallelujah!!!

Please pray for these wonderful new brothers and sisters in Christ who are starting their journey with the Lord! First Name, Jesus is the answer to every problem. Jesus is the answer to every need. Jesus is the hope for the nations, and He is the hope for you!

I want to THANK YOU for sending us! These people would not have heard the Gospel without your significant prayer, and your financial investments. Thank you for bringing Jesus to the lost!

In one month from TODAY, I will be journeying on our next international ministry trip in Asia. As always, the prayer needs are great, yet God is even greater! We again will need miracles with our visas, there is a significant budget to raise to fund the gospel outreaches and pastors training, and there are a lot of moving parts that need to get into place. Friend, please pray for us!  ​

Caleb Wampler