Our week in SOUTH ASIA was full of so many beautiful moves of God's hand. We got to see SIX FAMILIES SET FREE from the brickyard slavery in South Asia because of your prayer and support. Many of these families had been there for over 30 years, back 4 generations. Some even died. It was all they had ever known. One guy with 2 daughters said his wife died 8 years ago in the brickyard by the leaders, leaving him to raise the 2 girls alone in the chains of bondage. Our hearts were overwhelmed by the GOODNESS OF GOD for these families.
In September I shared a story where I was asked by a woman to name and bless her 4 month old daughter. The Holy Spirit spoke to me and gave me the name Anna. I knew she had the calling of an intercessor on her life and would proclaim the gospel just as Anna in Luke 2. It was a blessing to see baby Anna and her parents set free and partner with the Lord to usher her into the fullness of the grace upon her life to shift nations.
Thank you for sending us. We will continue to follow the lives of these families and share the progress with you as we watch their lives flourish.