As you read this, I'll be flying over the Atlantic Ocean to Pakistan. In just hours from now, I will be ministering to 200,000 hungry hearts that are predominantly from another religion. They will hear and learn who Jesus is, the Savior of the world and the only way to salvation.
The 6 families who are being freed from slavery have received the news also that they will be free. I can't wait to share their stories with you as all have been trapped for more than a decade in this vicious cycle. Freedom is here! Freedom is now!
I know that I just wrote to you yesterday, but as I was praying this morning, The Lord showed me something in a vision that I knew I had to share with you. Be encouraged today! For the Lord your God is with you!
The vision:
As I was waiting on the Lord, I saw an angel that had been sent from the throne room. He came bearing good news and holding a scroll in his hand. He opened the scroll, and instead of their being words written on the pages, there was a GOLDEN KEY inside. He walked up to me as I was sitting in this room. I remained very still awaiting the revelation that was coming.
The angel then took the key, and instead of handing it to me or referencing a door that it would open, he did something completely different. The angel walked up to me, stood by my side and then placed the key towards my head as if to unlock my mind. Instantly, it was as if chains fell off my mind. The chains were definitely chains but wrapped around the chains were a number of slithering snakes that had interwoven themselves amongst the chain links.
As each chain and snake fell off, I saw my mind began to glow with a gleaming and radiant shine. It was luminescent, and I knew symbolically that the glory of God was covering my mindset. Revelation began to flood my mind as I'll share in a moment.
The angel then looked at me, smiled, shot up straight into the air, and departed out of view. I saw a newness of expectation and faith enter into my eyes. A confidence rose within my spirit, and suddenly, it was as if everything fell into alignment as I looked ahead.
Revelation from the vision:
In this vision, I knew this was symbolic of the body of Christ. I knew this was a representation of us all.
The renewed mind is of paramount importance, and unless it is renewed, it will be imprisoned to false views and false expectations of who God is and what He wants to do in and through our lives. The snakes and chains represented strongholds of the mind that have become fixed points of foundations to what God can and wants to do. Proverbs 23:7 states that as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. 2 Corinthians 10:5 says to tear down every thought that sets itself up against the knowledge of God and continues by saying to take thoughts captive and submit them unto Christ Jesus. Romans 12:1-2 also speaks of the need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Emphasizing this concept is the famous quote by Henry Ford, "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right."
Joshua 6:1-2 says, Now the gates of Jericho were securely barred because of the Israelites. No one went out and no one came in. Then the Lord said to Joshua, "See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men."
The outside perspective saw only walls, bars, and decrees that showed how impossible Jericho was to win against in battle. Everything in the natural, and everything in the mind stated that Jericho would never be conquered. But the truth, by a timely word spoken from God, was that Jericho had already been delivered into the hands of the Israelites. The tension between our natural sight and belief of our regular logic is CONTRARY to a vision from the Lord and a renewed mind that says the victory is already won, and I won't be deterred no matter what it looks like.
Perhaps you're currently walking this out in a health crisis. The Lord has spoken to you that you would be healed for his glory and purpose. The doctors may be proclaiming one thing, your reports may be showing you one thing, but the Lord and a renewed mind is saying another thing. Maybe you're in a financial crisis. I have news for you, the kingdom does not operate on your mortal limitations but on His heavenly abundance. What happened in the story of Joshua is that Joshua did not just believe the Lord told him that Jericho was going to be defeated. Joshua IMMEDIATELY acted upon the revelation and began to WALK IN THE FULLNESS OF WHAT GOD HAD SHOWED HIM.
If Joshua had waited on the Lord for more information, Jericho would not have been defeated. If Joshua had spoken with his council to decide what to do, Jericho would not have been defeated. If Joshua had prayed about it, Jericho would not have been defeated. If Joshua had prayed for a visitation from Heaven, Jericho would not have been defeated. Joshua immediately responded to what the Lord spoke to Him, which was the result of his renewed mind.
Today, God is providing a key to unlock the chains of strongholds which will remove snakes of deception, old thought patterns that are no longer relevant, false beliefs, unbelief, and a multitude of other things that set themselves up against the knowledge of what God wants to do. And I emphasize, as the Lord speaks it is time to act...NOW! The kingdom of heaven must be taken hold of. We don't know the number of our days, but the hours we are given are critical to God's plan for this hour of history. Be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Grab ahold of this KEY today. Let's dream, let's move, let's seize the opportunity of a lifetime.