In The Year Pride Died - Isaiah Saw The Lord!

There is nothing more precious to the Lord than a heart that comes to Him humble and lowly, thankful for all He has and will do in life. The innate character of Jesus while on earth was gentleness, lowliness, and humility before the Heavenly Father, and He is still the same today. The gentleness and kindness of Jesus is so breathtaking that it will bring you to your knees with tears in your eyes. We serve a King who came down from His throne in heaven to take on our sins, our shame, our dirt, and die the death that we deserve.

Those attributes of God are so pure and holy that any other intent or heart motive cannot remain in His marvelous presence. In the Bible, Isaiah 6:1 says, “It was in the year King Uzziah died that I saw the Lord. He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple.” Why did it take King Uzziah dying for Isaiah to be able to enter into the presence of the Most High?

King Uzziah started as a good person, who loved the Lord and did what was right in the eyes of God. He actually sought the Lord and had an immense fear of God in his life. He was an incredibly talented king with brilliant ideas, who was used by God to defeat the Philistines. The Bible says he built fortified towers, new weapons, and strengthened Judah.

In this time the king became famous throughout the land. This recognition and power slowly started to creep into him and then pride started dripping from his lips and countenance. He soon thought that he was the one who accomplished everything on his own without the Lord. King Uzziah disobeyed God by entering the temple to burn incense on the altar, something only the priests could do.

As Uzziah raged against those who spoke out against him, leprosy manifested on his forehead. Pride is the sin of Satan himself. It was the sin that had him cast out of heaven. God cursed Uzziah for his pride and gave him leprosy, he died in isolation and lost everything.

It was in the year that Uzziah, or, pride died, that Isaiah saw the Lord. Isaiah was brought before the Lord, purified with coal to his lips, and then God asked him “who will go.” Isaiah said to the Lord, “here am I God, send me.” He was commissioned and sent out with a message of repentance to the Israelites.

You may be binding the enemy and praying and rebuking all of these things in your life, but still feeling opposed. The Bible says that God opposes the proud, but He draws near to the humble. Maybe it is pride today that is holding you back in your life. Draw near to Jesus today from a place of humility, draw near to the one who embodies gentleness and lowliness. Allow Him to break the back of pride in your life and you will enter through the veil into the presence of God like never before.

Caleb Wampler