Igniting The Flames Of Revival In America!

Greetings from Michigan! After 3 powerful days of tent meetings, our team is starting our journey home with so much excitement. God is so good!

WATCH our moving VIDEO recap here: https://youtu.be/d6nEzb-2TQQ

A fire from heaven came into the hearts of the people here. Any complacency, apathy, depression, and fear were blasted off by the power of the Holy Spirit. Where stories of drug addiction, alcoholism, and hopelessness were told to us over and over again during our trip, we quickly watched the narrative change. The believers have now received a fresh fire to take Jesus to the streets, restaurants, and community with a renewed vigor.

As our team spoke with those from the community, it was clear that they had so much love for their hometown. Prophecies had been spoken of a coming revival that would come to the area, but many could not see beyond the addictions that were running rampant through their community.

I’m happy to report to you today, that this attitude has changed in one powerful weekend of ministry! Jesus has TRANSFORMED mindsets. Jesus has TRANSFORMED hopelessness. Jesus has TRANSFORMED wayward hearts. 

As you WATCH some of the stories from this captivating video, may the Holy Spirit AWAKEN your heart and ignite the flames of revival in your life, family, and city. I believe that America is now at a critical juncture. We, as a nation, are not called to sit back idly back while the world falls apart. We as believers must RISE UP and LIVE THE KINGDOM OF GOD everywhere that we go. We must be radically different in our faith, hope, and love to a world desperate for LIGHT to shine in the darkness.

As a ministry, we will continue our march towards seeing 1 million people make a decision to follow Jesus Christ through our mass gospel campaigns, virtual crusades, or in the simplicity of going after the one in the small towns of the USA to the abandoned villages of the nations.

Thank you for sending us! Jesus is being lifted high!

Caleb Wampler