build a water well with kingdom encounters international

Access to Clean Water

In John 4:14 Jesus said, “but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” As our team sought the Lord on how He would like us to bless His people in the nation of South Asia, He asked us to establish wells for His people to drink from in the natural just as Jacob established. He said it would become a gathering place for the gospel to be shared, and that people would receive eternal life just as the Samaritan woman did when she met Jesus at the well.

Providing Clean Water

Sustainable water solutions in this part of the world are not easily accessible. Many villages rely on the rivers, mud lakes, and drain canals for their water source resulting in many diseases causing serious illness or even ending in death.

That’s where YOU come in! This Giving Tuesday, help us share the gift of clean water by installing wells that give LIFETIME access to 5,000 people!

As part of our upcoming evangelism ministry, we are providing humanitarian aid near the Middle East. It is more important than ever for the love of God to be tangible. We want to help change people’s hearts to be more caring because they have experienced the love of Christ.

In this region, minority religious groups are often banned from access to clean drinking water. Drilling wells near the churches provides water for God’s people and allows the Pastor to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to all who come to collect water. They receive natural water, but also the living water of Jesus. All will have access to sustainable drinking water!

We are adding an additional $10,000 to our evangelism crusade budget to establish 2 water pump solutions in villages in desperate need of clean water. It will provide clean water for a lifetime to 5,000 villagers. For just $2 you can give access to clean water for a person’s ENTIRE LIFE establishing a well just as Jacob did that also produced ETERNAL LIFE for the Kingdom of God.

Would you partner with us To bring LIFe in South Asia?

Give by Mail

Kingdom Encounters International
c/o Caleb Wampler

PO BOX 2317

Minneola, FL 34755

woman getting Drinking Water

check out our previous water well ministry in south asia