Arrival into Haiti

I greet you from the nation of Haiti! This is my first time ever setting foot on this soil, but I have a sense from the Holy Spirit that this will not be my last time here. Our whole team has arrived safely, and we ask for your prayers to continue for us!

As we’ve spoken with our director here, there is much need for prayer and breakthrough. The believers here have dealt with a constant oppression from the witchcraft in the region. Haiti is one of the only nations that have made covenants with voodoo witchdoctors, and thus there has been much darkness here. It’s manifested through kidnapping, drug abuse, sex trafficking, political unrest, and a variety of other demonic problems. The beautiful thing though, is that Jesus paid for ALL of that on the cross! His blood covers every sickness and disease, breaks every curse, and sets the captives free! HALLELUJAH!

We’ve also been told that the word has already went out in the area that “servants of God” have come to Haiti. Our presence here has already been noticed by the local witchdoctors. Our director has told us, they will come and try to intimidate us with their power. Friend, Jesus is greater than any other power, principality or any darkness that may come against us. Please proclaim the blood of Jesus over our team!

Please also pray for:

  • The Gospel to be preached with boldness and power

  • The health of our team on the ground

  • Demoniacs to be set free and filled with the Holy Spirit

  • Witchdoctors to bow their knee to Jesus.

  • Public officials to renounce their agreements with voodoo, and turn to Jesus.

  • Angels to go before us in all of our travels, ministry, and times of rest.



With the ever-changing travel restrictions globally from virus, war, and political unrest, the challenges to preach the Gospel internationally have continued to only increase in difficulty. With that said, I can guarantee you that WE WILL GO, WE WILL PREACH THE GOSPEL, & WE WILL PRAY FOR THE BROKEN UNTIL JESUS COMES! Countries may change, schedules may be affected, and challenges will be presented, but we will face them all, filled with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus will be lifted high!

I honor you and bless you from Haiti. Thanks for praying! The crusade starts tonight, with a lot of ministry, media recording projects, and much more! 


Together in the Harvest,

Caleb Wampler

Together with the KEI team


Caleb Wampler